August 2024: 工厂购入一台日本津上高速机 (Tsugami VA2)

七月中旬SYD Precision从美国德州购买了 一台Tsugami VA2 CNC 机床,该机床于 8 月 6 日交付现场。

长期以来,SYD Precision 一直梦想拥有一台高主轴转速的 CNC 机床,这台机床终于带着使命如期而至。

它的主轴最高转速为 30,000 RPM,使用小直径Endmill加工小零件时,加工速度和普通三轴CNC简直是天壤之别。例如,我们的 850 型 机床最高转速只有 12000rpm。如果我们使用两刃 Ø1.0mm 硬质合金立铣刀,给它 0.007mm 的切屑负载,最大进给率只能达到 f=12000x2x0.007 =168mm/min。而这台 Tsugami 机床,相同切削条件下,最大进给率可以达到 f=420mm/min,几乎快了三倍。

自从机床安装调试好后,我们已经用 Ø.03″ (Ø0.79mm)的硬质合金立铣刀成功加工了许多小齿轮零件。以前,这些小齿轮必须由我们内部的线切割机床完成。现在由这台高速加工中心加工后,交货时间从两周缩短到仅五天。

August 2024: Purchased one Tsugami High Speed CNC machine

We bought a Tsugami VA2 CNC machine and the machine was delivered on site on August 6th.

For a long time, SYD Precision is dreaming to have a high spindle speed CNC machine and this machine comes to save.

With its 30,000 RPM, it’s day and night difference when using small endmill to machine small parts. For example, our 850 type CNC machine only has maximum 12000rpm. If we use a two flutes Ø1.0mm carbide endmill, give it a 0.007mm chip load, the maximum feedrate is only f=12000*2*0.007=168mm/min. For this Tsugami machine, the maximum feedrate can be f=420mm/min, which is almost three times faster.

After the machine was installed, we have machined many small gears with a Ø.03″ carbide endmill successfully. Before, these small gears have to be done by our in-house wire edm. The lead time was shortened from two weeks to only 5 days.

August 2023: 购入两台二手CNC机器

八月二十七号, SYD Precision 从Fremont 某越南人开的数控加工厂打包购入两台二手数控机床, 一台是韩国生产的数控车床,另一台是台湾生产的数控加工中心。

这两台机器在原工厂正常运作中,成色尚好, 一台Fanuc 控制器,另一台Mitsubishi 控制器,越南工厂老板需要买新机器抵税,所以才打包出售这两台。

加上这两台机器,目前SYD Precision 已经拥有了7 台数控加工设备,产能进一步得到了提升。

August 2023: Purchased two CNC machines

On August 27, SYD Precision purchased two used CNC machines from another CNC machine in Fremont CA. One is a CNC lathe machine manufactured in South Korea, another one is a CNC machining center manufactured in Taiwan.

These two CNC machines are in good working condition and can hold tolerance of 0.001″ to 0.0015″. The CNC lathe machine has Fanuc controller and the Akira Seiki has a Mitsubishi controller.

The previous owner needed to buy new machines to get tax deductions for the year 2023, so he sold these two machines to SYD Precision.

With the addition of these two machines, SYD Precision currently has 7 CNC machines now, and its production capacity has been further improved.

July 2023:New 60W JPT M7 Mopa Fiber Laser Engraver

As the factory’s business continues to expand, customer demand also increases. After CNC machining and come to surface finish stage, many customers need to laser print serial numbers, part’s information, or LOGO. In the past, SYD Precision was using CNC machines to engrave, it needs very high spindle speed and small-diameter cutters, or outsourced third-party laser engraving service. Engraving with CNC machine tools is time-consuming and has poor results. At the same time, the very high spindle speed causes great wear to the machine’s spindle. So the best solution is to use fiber laser engraver.

In recent years, with the popularity of laser light sources, the price of the fiber laser engravers have dropped, making it possible for small factories to purchase mid-to-high-end fiber laser engraving machines. After comparing many brands and laser light sources, as well as new features of the new generation products, we purchased a 60W JPT M7 MOPA laser engraver. And equipped with the following optical lenses:

  1. 70x70mm FL100mm, short focal length, very high power output, specially used for cutting thin sheet parts with thickness of 0.2mm-0.6mm, such as aluminum, stainless steel and copper, etc.
  2. 110x110mm FL160mm, medium-short focal length, high power output, used for engraving parts with deep depth requirement.
  3. 175x175mm FL254mm, medium focal length, general power output, daily work lens, can engrave most parts.
  4. 300x300mm FL420mm, long focal length, low power, mainly used for engraving large workpieces.

The software for fiber laser machines includes free EzCad2 by China, and paid LightBurn by USA. As a professional machining manufacturer, we chose LightBurn software.

Since purchasing the machine, in less than one month, we have done laser engraving job for four customers. Customer satisfaction has continued to be improved.

July 2023:新购60W JPT M7 Mopa 激光雕刻机

随着工厂的业务不断扩大,客户的需求也慢慢增加。很多机加工表面处理后,客户都需要激光打序列号,打产品信息,或者LOGO。 以往都是在CNC机床用上非常高的转速配上小直径刀具雕刻,或者外发第三方激光雕刻。用CNC机床雕刻耗时多,效果不佳,同时非常高的转速对机床主轴损耗大,最佳方案还是激光。

最近几年随着激光光源的普及使得整机的价格下调,让一般小工厂都可以购买中高端激光雕刻机。在比较了众多品牌和光源,以及新产品的特性后,我们选择了60W的JPT M7 MOPA光源激光雕刻机。并且配备了如下的几个光学镜头:

1, 70x70mm FL100mm, 短焦距,大功率,专门用于切割0.2mm-0.6mm的薄板零件外形。

2, 110x110mm FL160mm, 中短焦距,较大功率,用于雕刻深度较深的零件。

3, 175x175mm FL254mm, 中焦距,通用功率,主要日常工作镜头,可以雕刻大多数零件。

4, 300x300mm FL420mm, 长焦距,小功率,主要用来雕刻大工件。



June 2023:公司固话升级为VoIP商务系统

近一段时间以来,我们的传统桌面固话经常有广告,业务推销,以及冒充谷歌在线等欺诈电话打进来。这类电话大多数是印度英语口音打进来的,许多还是在海外的据点,这极大地影响了我们的正常业务运行。 因此,我们决定升级到VoIP系统,以便在VoIP服务器上进行更有效的设置,阻止和过滤掉绝大多数此类电话。

在比较了一些主要的VoIP提供商之后,我们最终选择了Vonage Business。 到目前为止,它的实用功能和客户服务都很令人满意。 对于桌面电话机,我们购买了 Poly CCX 600 商务媒体电话和 Yealink SIP-T46U电话。


June 2023: Company landline upgraded to VoIP business system

For a long time, our traditional comcast business phone number was overwhelmed by soliciting or fraudulent calling in. Such as cleaning service, demonstrating of new products or tools, Google listing cheater, etc. It has greatly impacted our normal business running. So we decided to upgrade to VoIP system, in order to get more efficient setup at VoIP server to block majority of soliciting and fraudulent callings.

After comparing some major VoIP providers, we finally chose Vonage Business. It’s useful features and customer service are satisfied so far. For the desktop phone, we purchased Poly CCX 600 Business Media Phone and Yealink SIP-T46U.

Since we upgraded our phone system and properly setup to divert the callings, the soliciting and other business unfriendly calls has reduced sharply.

May 2022: 工厂面积扩大

经过4年的辛勤经营,SYD Precision的规模正在扩大。 这个月,我们租下了隔壁的 16 号单元,使得我们的车间面积扩大一倍。 这种小厂房空间在硅谷湾区很受欢迎,很稀缺,我们等了差不多两年,才终于拿到。

接下来,将在新车间安置一台带动力刀头的数控CNC车床,和一台五轴CNC数控机床。 有了这两台先进的数控机床,批量生产或打样的交货期将大大缩短。

May 2022: We expanded our space to unit 16

After in business for 4 years, SYD Precision is expanding now. This month we rented the next door unit 16 as soon as it was available. This type of small space is very popular and as rare as hen’s teeth in Bay Area, we almost waited two years and finally secured it.

Next, one CNC lathe with live tools and one 5-axis CNC machine will be setup in the new space. With these two advanced CNC machines, the lead time for production or prototype will be greatly reduced.

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