June 2021: CNC Technical Sharing ‘A Semi-Auto Z-axis Tool Length Offset Method’

At present, optical transmission probe has become popular in high-end CNC machine tools, but for most old CNC machines if they are upgraded to optical transmission probe, then the hardware and software will be a large expense. If using the wired tool setter, the quality and stability of the tool setter is a big challenge, it may crash the tools if it can’t generate the signal on time, and the cost is still not low.

SYD Precision has two CNC machines equipped with Taiwan-made wired tool setter, and the other two CNC machines tools are equipped with self-designed semi-automatic tool setters.

Hardware parts:

  1. The Z-axis tool setter mounting seat designed and machined by us, installed on the upper right corner of the CNC machine’s worktable.
  2. A 2″ height Accusize brand industrial Z-axis tool setter purchased on Amazon.

(The tool setter is covered with a plastic box to prevent coolant from entering it when it is not in use)

The hardware picture:

CNC program for the semi-auto tool setter, wrote by SYD Precision:

O8106(Z-axis Tool Length Offset )
N100 G21
N110 G90
G91 G28 Z0.
G0 G90 G53 X-25.0 Y-74.0 
M0  (Manually move the tool to touch the probe)
IF [#100 EQ 0] THEN #2299 = #150 
IF [#100 EQ 0] GOTO120 
N120 G91 G28 Z0.  

Program description:

  1. The program needs to use the file name of O8000 series or O9000 series so that it can be protected by the system parameter #3202 and will not be deleted accidentally.
  2. The #1102 parameter must be added so that the cutter can be manually moved down and touched the probe to the correct position during the command of M0.
  3. Use G53 to quickly move the cutter to the top of the tool setter, Z-280.0 can be adjusted according to the size of the CNC machines.
  4. #102=-515.174 is the machine Z axis coordinate value when spindle gauge touches the tool setter, each CNC machine will have a different value.
  5. The Macro is used when spindle tool number is 0. The tool length offset is input into the register #99. You can choose another number bigger than 24 if your tool magazine has 24 tools.


This semi-automatic tool length offset setting method can hardly be found in the Internet. It is an original invention of SYD Precision. It uses the Fanuc system parameters and Macro to automatically input the tool length offset. The method greatly improves the efficiency, avoids manual input errors, and 100% guarantees the correct value of the tool length offset is input into the right register number.

June 2021: 原创技术分享 “CNC半自动对刀程序”


SYD Precision 有两台机床安装有台湾产有线对刀仪,另外两台机床安装有自己设计的半自动对刀仪。


1,自己设计加工的Z 轴 对刀仪 安装座, 安装在机床的工作台右上角。

2, Amazon上购买的 2“ Accusize 工业级别 的Z 轴 对刀仪。




O8106(Z-axis Tool Length Offset )
N100 G21
N110 G90
G91 G28 Z0.
G0 G90 G53 X-25.0 Y-74.0 
M0  (Manually move the tool to touch the probe)
IF [#100 EQ 0] THEN #2299 = #150 
IF [#100 EQ 0] GOTO120 
N120 G91 G28 Z0.  


1, 程式需要用O8000系列或者O9000系列文件名,以便能得到系统参数#3202的保护,不被无意删除。

2, #1102 参数必须添加,以便可以在M0的时候手动把刀具移到正确的对刀Z=0.0的点。

3, 使用G53 快速把刀具移位到对刀仪的上方, Z-280.0 可以根据机床大小调整。

4, #102=-515.174 是主轴端部碰到对刀仪时候的机床Z轴坐标值。

5,宏指令为当刀具为0时,也可以输入刀具长度补正,我们输入的地址为offset 99 的位置。


这种半自动对刀方法在网上几乎不能被收索到,是SYD Precision的独创发明,它利用了Fanuc机床的系统参数和宏指令,能把主轴上的刀具的长度正确的自动输入到刀具补正的正确刀号,极大的提高了效率,可以避免人工输入的错误,100%的保证输入补长的正确值。

August 2020: 新冠病毒流行时期,我们工厂正常运作


SYD Precision 是属于小制造企业,归类为硬件制造供应商,按照州政府规定,可以在新冠病毒流行时期正常运营。前段时间,我们为湾区的两个医疗企业提供了治具制造和零件打样, 按期的交付了产品。


August 2020: During corona-virus pandemic, we are still working hard

During the corona-virus pandemic, most of the bay area manufacturing industry have been sharply impacted, some big factories have been closed, such as Tesla in Fremont.

SYD Precision is a small business and categorized as hardware supplier, so we are still legally operating. We worked very hard with two medical companies in Bay Area to provide them the fixture and prototypes.

Our cnc machining work may be very humble comparing to those medical companies’ researchers and doctors, but we are very proud that we are still working hard as usual as before.

January 2020: We bought 3 more CNC machines

After one year in the business with only two brand new CNC machines, we have grown up steadily and have many returned customers in Silicon Valley of California.

In order to service our customers with more shortened lead-times and expand our capacities, we bought another 2 CNC milling machines equipped with FANUC controllers and 1 CNC turning machine, also equipped with FANUC controller.

No matter for a simple piece job, or small quantity production job, all CNC machining jobs can spread onto these 5 machines, will be greatly shortening the lead time.

January 2020:我们又增添了三台CNC机床

开业到现在已经一年多了,最初起步只有两台全新的CNC加工中心, 随着工厂的稳定发展,我们在加州硅谷已有越来越多的回头顾客。



December 2019: 我们购买了一台Starrett CMM(美国原产三坐标测量仪)

本月我们购买了一台 Starrett HGC 2024-16 CMM 三坐标测量仪。这是台二手但是状况非常良好的机器,测量仪带有雷尼绍MIP探头,Starrett 公司出品的Apogee 测量软件。我们从湾区南部San Jose 一家大的CNC工厂购买的,他们因为年底要抵税就购买了一台全新的三坐标测量仪,所以就把旧的便宜出售掉。因此我们很幸运就可以拿到这台机器。


December 2019: We purchased a Starrett CMM

We bought a used but in excellent condition Starrett HGC 2024-16 CMM. The CMM comes with a Renishaw MIP Touch Probe and Starrett Apogee Software. The CMM was sold by another big CNC factory in south San Jose, and they bought another latest brand-new CMM machine at the end of the year for tax deduction purpose, so we are lucky we can acquire it with an affordable price and equip our small CNC machine shop with a professional CMM.

After the CMM machine is leveled and setup, we did some test measurement with our block gauges, it is very accurate and satisfied.

October 2019: Fanuc oi-mf control system upgrade

On October 11, engineer from Fanuc’s San Francisco branch arrived at our production facility to help us with the Fanuc control system upgrade. One of our CNC machine control system is upgraded from Fanuc oi-mf D4G1-18 to Fanuc oi-mf D4G1-38.

After the system is upgraded, we can use the Program Transfer Tool software developed by Fanuc to drag and drop the NC program directly from the PC to the CF card inserted in the CNC controller, and then DNC NC programs from the CF card directly.

The new CNC control system greatly increases productivity, saves many finger-press-button works and DNC from CF card is also very stable than DNC from Ethernet, it also avoided to buy expensive Fanuc Data Server for DNC large NC program purpose.

For the CNC machines built early with old control system before version Fanuc oi-mf, the NC programs cannot be directly transferred from the PC to the CF card through the Ethernet network. It can only use Data Server, so Data Server is still useful for old CNC machines.

Equipped with new CNC machines, new upgraded system, and efficient machining capabilities, it makes SYD Precision an advantage when quoting new jobs for customers.

October 2019: Fanuc oi-mf 系统升级

10月11号,Fanuc公司美国旧金山分公司的工程师到达我们生产车间,免费帮我们Fanuc系统升级, 从Fanuc oi-mf D4G1-18直接升级到Fanuc oi-mf D4G1-38。

系统升级后,可以使用Fanuc公司开发的Program Transfer Tool软件,直接把NC加工程式从PC拖放到插在CNC控制器上的CF卡,然后再从CF卡DNC加工程序,极大的提高了生产效率,而且从CF卡直接DNC也非常稳定,省下了购买昂贵的Fanuc Data Server 的钱。

但是对于Fanuc oi-mf 之前的CNC 机器,是不能通过Ethernet网络把NC程序直接从PC传输到CF卡的,只能使用Data Server, 所以,Data Server 还是有用武之地。

新的CNC机器,新的升级后的系统,高效精密的加工能力,使得SYD Precision 在新客户报价方面,极具有优势。

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