August 2024: Purchased one Tsugami High Speed CNC machine

We bought a Tsugami VA2 CNC machine and the machine was delivered on site on August 6th.

For a long time, SYD Precision is dreaming to have a high spindle speed CNC machine and this machine comes to save.

With its 30,000 RPM, it’s day and night difference when using small endmill to machine small parts. For example, our 850 type CNC machine only has maximum 12000rpm. If we use a two flutes Ø1.0mm carbide endmill, give it a 0.007mm chip load, the maximum feedrate is only f=12000*2*0.007=168mm/min. For this Tsugami machine, the maximum feedrate can be f=420mm/min, which is almost three times faster.

After the machine was installed, we have machined many small gears with a Ø.03″ carbide endmill successfully. Before, these small gears have to be done by our in-house wire edm. The lead time was shortened from two weeks to only 5 days.